Friday, September 19, 2008


Can't do it ... just can't. Not even to save my life. I have been locked out of so many accounts just because I don't have the super powers necessary to read, decipher and sufficiently regurgitate a random sequence of letters and numbers in order to alter or establish an account. I'm pretty sure vision isn't a factor. I have tried a variety of approaches, masquerading as possible solutions, to my ineptitude, one of which includes saying the letters and numbers aloud whilst pecking them out with one finger. I've even had people stand behind me and help me read them out. It's ridiculous. Eventually I get through, but I'm pretty sure it's because even the programs are programmed with a sympathy factor for those of us with these issues.

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1 comment:

Shane said...

You know, I had a conversation about this with a friend yesterday. I wonder how they make those things. Is it a bunch of people who are able to type letters and numbers to match the appearance they had during the last acid trip?

Also, what happens when you push the little handicap symbol? Oh Christ! I have to do one of these damn things to post this comment!