Monday, September 29, 2008

Betty Lou Cosmetics

Betty Lou Cosmetics Takes To the Road!
Betty Lou has finally filled her transportation needs to circulate her goods throughout the area. You can score the best clumping mascara or runny base from the dime baskets found in the bed of our truck! (shhhh, but rumor has it that we might even open the tailgate this weekend for a massive blowout sale! Just so long as that slut, Susie Mae, isn't around so I don't have to worry about what my husband is doing.) Our corporate offices are located out near the lake, in the white travel trailer with the Natural Light sign on the front.
I am pleased to announce that we have a whole new stock of items since the last batch was ruined when the 12 pack bursted in the pickup. Stupid common law husband and that cheap beer. I keep telling him that Keystone is the way to go.
If you have any questions, please call my cell phone number. If you can't get through, it's because I'm out on the boat and there's no signal or cause I ran out of minutes.


Shane said...

I was nice enough to translate this using the ebonifier I found on your blog, lol...

Betty Lou has finawly filled her transportation needs ta circulate her goods throughout da mofuccin' bea. You can score da mofuccin' best clumpin' mas6-foa or runny base from da mofuccin' dime baskets found awl up in da mofuccin' bed of our truck Jigga!! (shhhh,den sum mofuccin but rumor has it that we might even open da mofuccin' tailgate this weekend fo' a massive blowout sale Jigga!! Just so long as that slut,den sum mofuccin Susie Mae,den sum mofuccin ben't around so I don't have ta worry 'bout what ma mofuccin husban' be doin'.) Our corporate offices be located out near da mofuccin' lake,den sum mofuccin awl up in da mofuccin' white travel trailer with da mofuccin' Natural Light sign on da mofuccin' front.
Ibepleased ta announce that we have a whole new stock of items since da mofuccin' last batch was ruined when da mofuccin' 12 pack bursted awl up in da mofuccin' pickup. Stupid common law husban' an' that cheap beer. I keep tellin' him that Keystone be da mofuccin' way ta go.
If yo' ass have any questions,den sum mofuccin please cawl ma mofuccin cell phone number. If yo' ass can get through,den sum mofuccin it's because I'm out on da mofuccin' boat an' da mofuccin'rra's no signal or cause I ran out of minutes.

Celena said...

You crazy nut! Did you happen to see the person who drove that truck? Would have been nice to see what she looked like!