Friday, September 26, 2008

Horizon Ridge Chronicles

This excerpt was originally written in the Summer of 2008.

Ahhhhh, the rewards of home-ownership. The weekly mowing during the summers, the weeding and the unsuspected landmines masquerading as trees.

See the tree in the yard? Well I placed bricks around it to spruce up the look (sidenote).

Some time ago, I was out in the yard after mowing, having finished right before it started to rain (downpour). At this point, I noticed that some paint was chipping right below the roofline - I'll take a stab at it and call it "flashing" - and was trying to get a good look at it in the rain, so I started backing away from the house. At this point, I found myself flying backwards, floundering in some sort of entanglement, mid-air.

I had forgotten a tree was there, stepped on a brick and, thus, my dramatic fall in the rain began. I got tangled up in a stabilizing wire that is attached to the tree by a mount in the ground, and then faceplanted in the dirt/mulch around the tree. After I absorbed what had just happened (while laying on the ground), I jumped up thinking no one could have seen it since it was raining.

WHATEVER. The neighbor down the street was unloading her groceries in the rain and saw the whole thing go down.

It is now called Whomping Willow.

1 comment:

Shane said...

You know? We also have a tree like this. It recently attacked a pizza delivery man. We got a little discount on the pizza, so we will keep the tree! (he got tangled in the support wires)